A Utility Development Plan (UDP) is a comprehensive and interactive long range planning process encompassing some or all campus utilities.  It is a living document with the purpose of establishing an effective method to identify, prioritize, and define projects and estimated costs for immediate and future needs.  Stage 1 of the process is Problem Definition which looks at existing conditions of the utility systems and includes talking with utility providers and facilities maintenance staff.  Stage 2 is Strategy Development and identifies avenues to reduce overall energy costs by evaluating water, electrical, HVAC and other utilities.  Multiple strategies will be formulated allowing the team to choose which direction should be defined in Stage 3, Final Utility Master Plan.

A successful example of this process is the University of Wyoming.  The University wanted to lower energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time increasing the utility load. After developing a Utility Master Plan, the University chose to move away from woody biomass and implement thermal energy storage and high efficiency hot water production and distribution system to meet their energy use goals. GLHN is currently working with the University to design this new infrastructure.  If you would like more information about UDPs, contact Henry Johnstone at (520) 881-4546 or hjohnsto@glhn.com.